Before and after a flood: Homeowners, here’s how to prepare
- Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the U.S., and flood events are becoming more widespread.
- Learn steps to prepare for a flood, starting with knowing your home’s and community’s flood risk.
- Prepare emergency kits for your family and pets.
- Turn off gas and electricity before you vacate your home; move items higher.
- Learn steps to take once floodwaters recede and you return home.
Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the U.S. according to Zurich, and with climate change continuing unrelentingly, flooding will likely only become more frequent and widespread. Happily, there’s much that homeowners can do to prepare for, and even prevent, flood damage.
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How to prepare before a flood
Let’s go over some basics of flood preparedness:
- Know your home’s and community’s flood risk. Visit the FEMA Flood Map Service Center and search for your address.
- Typically, your homeowner’s policy does not cover floods. Consider purchasing a separate flood policy. Get information at www.FloodSmart.gov.
- Collect important documents, records and valuable items and to move them to a safe place.
- Take photographs of valuable items for insurance records. If you have receipts, move them to a safe place as well.
- Elevate valuable items at least four feet above the floor.
- Unplug all unnecessary electrical items; if forced to evacuate the area, turn off your electricity and gas.
Live in a flood-prone area? Here’s how to prepare in advance
You can be proactive when it comes to floods. Examine the tips below.
- Stay informed about your community’s risk and response plans via your news outlet or social media.
- Download the Emergency App for iPhone or for Android.
- Find an online NOAA radio station.
- Assemble an emergency preparedness kit.
- Create a household evacuation plan that includes your pets.
- Ensure that each family member knows how to get back in touch if you are separated during an emergency.
- Find more tips on flood preparedness and recovery here.
Talk with your family about what to do if a flood watch or warning is issued. Discussing floods ahead of time helps reduce fear, especially for younger children.
One of the first steps in flood preparedness and recovery is to determine if you’re located on a floodplain, which is considered a Special Flood Hazard Area. If so, you are eligible for flood insurance. Check with your city or county government (start with the Building or Planning Department) to review the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
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Protecting your pets
- Prepare a pet emergency kit for your companion animals.
- Most American Red Cross shelters cannot accept pets due to health and safety concerns. However, service animals that assist people with disabilities are allowed in Red Cross shelters.
- Know which friends, relatives, boarding facilities, animal shelters or veterinarians can care for your animals in an emergency. Prepare a list with phone numbers.
- Make sure that your pet’s vaccinations are current and that all dogs and cats are wearing collars with securely fastened, up-to-date identification. Many pet shelters require proof of current vaccinations to reduce the spread of disease.
- Ensure that any outbuildings, pastures, or corrals are protected in the same way as your home.
- Consider a precautionary evacuation of your animals, especially any large or numerous animals. Waiting until the last minute could be fatal for them and dangerous for you.
- Where possible, move livestock to higher ground. If using a horse or other trailer to evacuate your animals, move sooner rather than later.
Related: Disaster emergency plans: How vulnerable is your business?
Protecting your home
If you live on a floodplain, see if professionals can help you take these steps to reduce home damage:
- Raise your furnace, water heater, and electric panel to floors that are less likely to be flooded. An undamaged water heater may be your best source of fresh water after a flood.
- Install check valves in plumbing to prevent floodwater from backing up into the drains of your home. (As a last resort, when floods threaten, use large corks or stoppers to plug showers, tubs, or basins.)
- Construct barriers such as levees, berms, and flood walls to stop floodwater from entering the building (if permitted by local building codes).
- Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage through cracks. Move basement equipment and stored items to a higher level.
- Drain pools at least 8-10 inches so pool water doesn’t increase your floodwaters.
Don’t forget that protecting your home during a flood may require the use of sandbags. Prepare early: it takes two people about an hour to fill and place 100 sandbags, creating a wall one foot high and 20 feet long. Ensure you have enough sand, burlap or plastic bags, shovels, strong helpers and time to place them properly.
If a flood is expected, some communities offer free sandbags to residents. Watch or listen to the news so you can access these resources. And in general, keep abreast of the latest news and forecasts for flooding in your area.
What to do when floodwaters recede
You don’t want to attempt to return to business as usual as soon as floodwaters recede. Don’t return home until officials say it’s safe to do so: severely damaged areas of your home should be reviewed by a structural engineer. Electrocution is a risk from downed power lines, so treat them as live until a utility provider confirms they are de-energized. Do not reconnect electric or gas until your utility provider has cleared you to do so.
Power and other utilities, too, should not be restored until after inspection by qualified personnel. After getting safety assurances, have electricity and gas services restored.
Before entering your home, don protective gear and take along drinking water, disinfecting supplies, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. Watch out for snakes and other wildlife that may have taken refuge in higher parts of your home. And be sure to take photos to document damage for your flood insurer.
Once you’ve regained access to your home, move ruined, moisture-soaked objects outside, away from exterior walls to facilitate drying out. Dispose of damaged material, which is also most likely to be contaminated, according to local regulations. Restore air conditioning systems or rent or purchase blowers and dehumidifiers to assist in the drying out and to mitigate mold. Do not use extension cords in wet areas.
This article originally appeared on Arrowhead General Insurance Agency’s blog. It is used with permission and has been updated to better fit the needs of NCC’s customers.